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Can Drinks Really Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Can Drinks Really Help You Lose Belly Fat? Losing belly fat holds paramount importance for overall health. Excess abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, is linked to increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and various chronic conditions. It releases harmful chemicals. That disrupt metabolism

7 defense techniques “Indigestion”

the older The more you pay attention to health , especially food. because it may result in symptoms “Indigestion” is a symptom that can occur either while we are eating or after eating. It can happen to all genders and ages. It is found in adults and the elderly. When the symptoms occur,

8 ways to eat “clean food” correctly, good for health

Recommend health lovers to eat clean food properly. Not through refined or refined as little as possible. And should choose to eat food from all 5 groups in the right amount, enough to meet the needs of the body Dr. Sarawut Boonsuk, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Health, said that